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Welcome to the home of The Original Cones®.
Providing you with the thinnest & best burning pre-rolleds since 1994.

The Natural Cones®

The Original Cones®

The Bio Organic Hemp Cones®

hand cig


We are MountainHigh®, the developers of the Original Cones®.
Introduced in 1994 to support the coffeeshops in the Netherlands with their growing sales of pre-rolled joints.
Made from the thinnest smoking paper in the world and hand-rolled by devoted men and women.
Our Cones® are enjoyed by connoisseurs like yourself world-wide.

High Quality

Our pre-rolled Cones® guarantee the best smoking experience. The Cones® are made of ultra-thin cigarette paper for the optimum flavour experience. Above all, the Cones® guarantee an even, long-lasting burn for maximum smoking enjoyment.

High Supply

As the inventor and creator of the Original Pre-Rolled Cones®, we offer the largest selection of cones, available in Super Small to Giga, both in bulk and consumer-sized packages. For the most popular sizes, we also provide various types of filling equipment

High Service

Since we were founded in 1994, we have grown into a worldwide market leader in the field of pre-rolled Cones®. We believe that success comes from a good product and superior service. Come experience the personal involvement and flexibility of our family business. We are here for you.

PURE SMOKING. Re-imagined.

introducing the latest Cones® Collaboration...

invention family950

World-wide Exclusive Distributor

More than 25 years have already passed since we turned the world of rolling joints upside down. In those days MountainHigh® invented pre-rolled Cones® and the machines to fill them.

This drive for innovation and creation is what still keeps our eyes open every day for new opportunities, here at MountainHigh®. When we find one, we try to forge one of our (soon-to-be) famous Cones Collaborations™. 

And that’s precisely what we did 2021 when we got in contact with I-nvention®: fellow Dutchies and inventors of innovative cannabis related products.

We feel that I-nvention®’s line of products is a great asset and compliment to our own offerings.

Therefore, we proudly present that we are the World-Wide Exclusive Distributor for I-nvention®’s line of products.

The Jack-Pod™ System

After noticing the increased awareness and interest for pure smoking in the market, I-nvention® invented a line of products to make Pure Smoking even more Pure.

All based on the concept of The Jack-Pods™:  easily fillable pods (0.2gr) for your materials. Think Nespresso™ for cannabis.

The filled Jack-Pod™ slides into The Weezy™ pipe, which also contains a filtertip, the CTIP™.

The cone-shaped CTIP™ contains activated carbon and will filter the bad, not the good. The CTIP™  (best-seller tip…) can also be used in roll-your-own paper joints, by the way.

We offer a whole range of products, with great margins,  that will stand out in your shops. From filling, to stashing, to enjoying your Jack-Pods™.

Contact the Sales Team at sales[a] for more information.

How can we help you today ?

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Pre-rolled Cones®

Van 1 tot 1.000 Cones®

Our premium Cones are available in various sizes and packaging units. We provide for both retail, including coffee shops and (online) head shops, and distribution services.

Consumer packaging

We offer a broad range of small packaging, tailored to the needs of the end user. The assortment consists of various paper packs (conical packaging) and blister packs. The number of Cones per small package varies from 1 to 64 pieces. The conical packages are made of firm paper and are also resealable. Another popular consumer package is the crystal-clear blister pack. Both paper packs and blister packs are available in three official Cone types: Original, Natural, and Bio Organic Hemp. You can also choose your own customized print.

Pre-rolled Cones® displays

Cones is the number 1 brand of pre-rolled cones and that deserves to be seen. Opt for a striking Cones presentation with our special, retail-ready displays. The stylish packaging design increases the attention-grabbing quality of the brand. The maximum potential of the Cones is realised when they are on displays. The displays are available in three official Cone types: Original, Natural, and Bio Organic Hemp. Custom printing is also an option. The displays will be filled before they are delivered and are ready for the shop once they arrive. That spares you a lot of the inconvenience of unpacking.

Bulk packaging

For large-scale users, the Cones are provided in firm, stylish cardboard boxes. The number of Cones per large package varies from 32 or 64 pieces (bulk mini) to 1,000 pieces. The boxes are resealable. The bulk mini boxes are also intended as consumer packaging for the “fanatical smoker”. The boxes can also be printed entirely according to your needs as a part of your own private label.